Unarmed Security Operatives: 12 Common Duties

Unarmed Security Operatives: 12 Common Duties

Unarmed security operatives (guards) play a crucial role in maintaining safety and security in various settings. From office buildings to public venues, these professionals are engaged in the task of ensuring peace of mind for all.  The pivotal role they play in safeguarding people and property involves a range of common duties and responsibilities. This article outlines 12 duties commonly covered by unarmed security personnel.

1. Access Control: The Gatekeepers.

One of the primary responsibilities of an unarmed security guard is access control. Acting as gatekeepers, they verify credentials and manage entry to premises or designated zones.

Whether it’s checking identification cards or monitoring access points, these professionals maintain a vigilant eye to ensure that only authorized individuals are granted entry. By enforcing strict access control measures, they prevent unauthorized individuals from compromising the security of the facility.

2. Patrolling & Surveillance: Keeping A Watchful Eye.

Patrolling and surveillance are integral aspects of an unarmed security guard’s role. They conduct regular rounds, monitoring the premises to detect any signs of suspicious activity. Armed with keen observational skills, they keep a watchful eye on CCTV cameras, alarms, and other security systems. By promptly reporting any irregularities or potential threats, they help prevent security breaches and provide a proactive approach to maintaining safety.

3. Security Monitoring: Enhancing Vigilance.

In addition to patrolling and surveillance, unarmed security guards are responsible for monitoring the overall security of the premises. They keep a close watch on the surroundings, paying attention to details and potential vulnerabilities. By monitoring CCTV cameras and other security equipment, they ensure that any unusual activities or breaches are identified and addressed promptly. With their constant vigilance, they contribute to the prevention of crimes and the maintenance of a secure environment.

4. Incident Response: Swift Action In Times Of Crisis.

When security breaches, disturbances, or emergencies occur, unarmed security guards are the first line of defense. They are trained to respond swiftly and appropriately, taking immediate action to neutralize the situation or alerting the necessary authorities. Whether it’s diffusing conflicts, providing first aid, or coordinating emergency evacuations, these professionals are prepared to handle a wide range of crisis situations. Their quick thinking and calm demeanor help mitigate risks and ensure the safety of all individuals involved.

5. Crowd Management: Maintaining Order & Safety.

Unarmed security guards often find themselves in situations where they need to manage crowds at events or public gatherings. With their strong presence and excellent communication skills, they maintain order and ensure the safety of attendees. From directing foot traffic to preventing unruly behavior, they play a vital role in creating a secure environment for everyone present. By effectively managing crowds, they contribute to the overall success and smooth operation of various events.

6. Customer Service: Professionalism & Courtesy.

Apart from their security-related duties, unarmed security guards also fulfill important customer service roles. They assist visitors, employees, and customers with professionalism and courtesy. Whether it’s providing directions, answering inquiries, or offering assistance, they strive to create a positive and welcoming atmosphere. By delivering exceptional customer service, they enhance the overall experience of individuals within the premises and promote a sense of trust and comfort.

They are often the first and last person your clients will interact with – so, in essence, security operatives play a big role on how your brand is perceived.

7. Safety Inspections: Identifying & Reporting Hazards.

Unarmed security guards are trained to identify and report safety hazards within the premises. They conduct regular safety inspections, spotting potential risks such as faulty equipment or fire hazards. By promptly reporting these concerns, they contribute to the maintenance of a safe environment. Their proactive approach helps prevent accidents and ensures that necessary measures are taken to rectify any potential dangers.

8. Report Writing: Documenting Incidents & Observations.

Accurate documentation is a crucial aspect of an unarmed security guard’s responsibilities. They are responsible for documenting incidents and observations with precision. From detailing security breaches to recording suspicious activities, their reports serve as valuable records for future reference and analysis. By maintaining comprehensive and well-organized reports, they contribute to the overall effectiveness of security measures and provide important information for investigations if necessary.

9. Emergency Procedures: Following Established Protocols.

During crises, unarmed security guards are trained to follow established emergency procedures. Whether it’s a fire, natural disaster, or medical emergency, they adhere to protocols to ensure the safety of everyone involved. From initiating evacuations to providing first aid, they act swiftly and decisively in high-pressure situations. By following well-defined emergency procedures, they help minimize risks and protect lives.

10. Liaison With Law Enforcement: Collaboration For Safety.

Unarmed security guards often collaborate with law enforcement agencies, offering support and information during investigations. They act as liaisons, providing valuable insights and cooperating with authorities to maintain a secure environment. By establishing effective lines of communication and sharing relevant information, they contribute to the successful resolution of security-related incidents.

11. Loss Prevention: Deterring Criminal Activities.

A visible presence is often enough to deter potential criminal activities, and unarmed security guards play a significant role in loss prevention. By maintaining a vigilant and authoritative presence, they discourage theft, vandalism, and other criminal acts. Their proactive approach and prompt reporting of suspicious behavior help prevent losses and protect assets.

12. Policy & Regulation Adherence: Enforcing Security Protocols.

Unarmed security guards enforce company policies, security protocols, and relevant laws and regulations. They ensure that individuals within the premises adhere to these guidelines, promoting a secure environment. By upholding these standards, they contribute to the overall well-being of the facility and the people within it.


Keep in mind that the exact duties of an unarmed security guard can vary depending on the location, establishment type, and employer-assigned responsibilities. However, their commitment to maintaining safety and security remains consistent.

In conclusion, unarmed security operatives play a vital role in maintaining safety and security in various settings. From access control to incident response and loss prevention, their diverse range of duties ensures the well-being of individuals and the protection of property. Their professionalism, vigilance, and dedication contribute to creating a secure environment that fosters peace of mind for all.

Exact Security is focused on providing premium security operatives, for more  information contact us today.