20 Jul Recent Changes To Regulations Affecting Security Operations
Changes To Class 1 Security Licence Sub-classes
- New 1A (Security Officer) subclass: 1A (Unarmed Guard) and 1C (Crowd Controller) security licence subclasses merged and re-named 1A (Security Officer) subclass. Effective 1 June 2023.
- New 1C (Cash-in-Transit Guard) subclass: This new subclass authorises holders to patrol, protect or guard cash-in-transit (CIT).
- Guards carrying on CIT activities under the authority of the 1A (Unarmed Guard) subclass may continue to do so until 1 Dec 2023. After this date there is a requirement to:
- complete a NSW Security Licence Course that incorporates the mandatory CIT-specific units of competency and
- lodge an application for the new 1C (Cash-in-Transit Guard) subclass including evidence of completing the CIT-specific training.
- Guards carrying on CIT activities under the authority of the 1A (Unarmed Guard) subclass may continue to do so until 1 Dec 2023. After this date there is a requirement to:
New definition of Crowd Controller and Relevant Place
From 1st June 2023, 2 important changes related to crowd control come into effect. These are:
- a revised definition of Crowd Controller and
- a definition for Relevant Place is introduced.
Crowd Controller
From 1 June 2023, Crowd Controller will mean a person who (for remuneration) exercises one or more of the following functions at a Relevant Place as part of their regular duties:
- controlling or monitoring the behaviour of persons to maintain order,
- screen persons seeking entry,
- removing persons for behavioural or other reasons,
- any other function prescribed by the regulations.
Relevant Place
To support this Relevant Place has been (from 1 June 2023) defined as:
- licensed premises within the meaning of the Liquor Act 2007,
- a public entertainment venue,
- a place at which a public or private function s held,
- a hospital,
- a quarantine facility,
- retail premises,
- a public place.
Anyone carrying on a Crowd Controller function for remuneration at a Relevant Place must hold the Class 1A (Security Officer) licence.
It should be noted that conducting health screening as a condition of entry is not considered a security activity. Also doctors in hospitals are exempt from requiring a security licence while acting in this capacity.
Security Operative Licences Are In Force Once ID Photograph Is Taken.
As soon as an applicant is photographed by Service NSW their Security Operative Licence will come into force.
Once done, SLED will email an acknowledgement letter to the applicant and the public register will updated to display details of the new licence.
The new security licence card will be mailed. While awaiting receipt of the licence card, operatives muct carry the acknowledgement letter sent by SLED while working – and must produce this letter on request by a police officer, enforcement officer, or member of the public.
New Portrait-style Security Licence Cards
The new licence card designs started to be issued from 1 June 2023. The old landscape variants are no onger being issued though remain valid until the licence expiry date. Here’s what the new licences look like:

You can always verify security licence details by entering the name or licence into the register at htttps://verify.licence.nsw.gov.au/home/security .