24 Mar Minimising Risks During Temporary Closures
It is heartbreaking to see the closure of venues that are central to the lifestyle of our society and that also are often the lifeblood of local communities.
But there is no denying the need for this action. We are acutely aware of the impact on the venues, their staff and their communities.
The logistics fo closing dopwn for extended periods requires careful consideration. Our intention was deliver this list of considerations to our clients.
But our extensive history and deep emotional connection with the industry demands that we share this everyone. We feel a responsibility to identify the risks associated with closure … and to share them hoping they will assist in some small way.
Basically we anticipate this uncertain time for the community will elevate risks and may lead to an increase in crime.
The risks we have identified include:
- The immediate security and/or transfer ofthe venue’s onsite cash assets. Include but not limited to:
- Safes & vaults,
- ATMs,
- Cash Redemption Terminals,
- TAB & Keno Easybet Terminals,
- Gaming Machines,
- Packaged & bulk liquor and food.
- The immediate operational readiness of your venue’s electronic security infrastructur. Including but not limited to:
- Alarms <i)>(including back to base support),
- Closed Circuit Television Systems,
- Perimeter Security,
- Safe technology.
- The Vulnerability of your venue’s facilities and physical assets. Including but not limited to:
- Buildings,
- Outdoor facilities – e.g. sporting areas, dining & recreation areas, outdoor gaming, maintenance facilities.
For our clients we remain on 24/7 standby, ready to stand shoulder to shoulder through this difficult period.
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash - The immediate security and/or transfer ofthe venue’s onsite cash assets. Include but not limited to: